Bosnia & Herzegovina | Territorial diagnosis of two municipalities

The documents in open access below are the result of research conducted in Bosnia & Herzegovina from May 2022 to March 2023. This action was organized by the CZZS (Centar za životnu sredinu – Center for the Environment).

This research was entilted: Climate change, biodiversity and agroenvironnement nexus – Building a strategical approach for a territorial sustainable and inclusive development.

The objective was to draw up a strategic diagnosis – for an environmental mobilization – of two B&H north-west municipalities, in Sanski Most and Mrkonjić Grad – therefore both in territories of entities Republika Srpska and Federation of BiH.

The choosen scale of analysis for the diagnosis was to investigate a “territory” that makes sense from the nexus point of view: Climate Change / Biodiversity / Agrienvironment and thus make it possible to converge mobilizations and environmental concerns with a territorial comprehensive strategy.

The result was to strengthen advocacy actions, interpellation of public authorities (at the various levels), encouraging nature-based solutions, and bundling climate change challenges with biodiversity and High Nature Value farming protection.

Documents :

Research Report (in BHS): Teritorijalna djagnoza opstinaa opština. Merkonjić Grad I Sanski Most. (= Territorial diagnosis of Mrkonjić Grad and Sanski Most. Authors: Zoé Siegel et Borka Malešević – under the supervision/edition of: Majda Ibrakovic & Marko Ivanesevic (CZZS 1 University of Banja Luka) and Orianne Crouteix et François Lerin (AIDA). 2023.

(A venir)

Zoé Siegel, 2022. Master thesis: Identification et compréhension des principaux enjeux environnemataux à l’échelle du territoire en Bosnie-Herzegovine. Defended 19/01/2022. AgroParisTech.

Photo (banner) : Water intake for a micro-hydroelectric power station in the Municipality of Mrkonjić Grad (Bosnia & Herzegovina), 2022 / François Lerin.