Just Published | Study about land tenure and pastoralism in Albania (in French)

As part of the study entitled “Pastoral land in Albania: From the inherited mosaic to contemporary Mediterranean socio-environmental issues” financed by the AFD French Development Agency) (in partnership with the CTFD (Comité Technique Foncier et Développement), Orianne Crouteix (member of association AIDA) had the opportunity to carry out 6 weeks of fieldwork in Albania on three breeding territories previously worked by members of AIDA (Alice Garnier, Simon Gontard and Besmira Medolli): Mount Pasthiku and its plateau (Has), the Rrungaja (Korça) and Dukat massif and the Karaburun peninsula (Vlora).

The objective of this study is to analyze the land tenure systems of pastoral lands by identifying both the institutional management issues and the local logics of the use of fodder and pastoral resources. This research work assumes an entry through the commons to be understood in their diversity and constant evolution.

During the first field phase (from June 12 to July 5, 2021), a week was spent in each territory in order to carry out 37 semi-structured interviews with managers of forest and pastoral areas and livestock breeders. The second field phase (from October 27 to November 12) was an opportunity to carry out a day of restitution in each territory (Krumë in Has, Vithkuq in the foothills of Rrungaja and Orikum near Dukat) in order to discuss with the local actors of the various elements of the study and to refine the results. This second field period ended in Tirana with a presentation to national actors. See the article (sorry in French!): Albanie, journée d’échange sur le pastoralismeAlbania | Day of exchanges on pastoralism” on this same Website.

This research report is also available on the CTFD website: Le foncier pastoral en Albanie : de la mosaïque héritée aux enjeux sociaux-environnementaux méditerranéens contemporains – Étude de trois territoires ruraux : le Has, la Rrungaja (Korça) et Dukat-Karaburun (Vlora)

Photo (banner): Breeders in Dukat Fushë (Albania), 2016/ Alice Garnier